A portfolio of thirteen etchings, inspired and begun during my father’s last days and dedicated to his memory. Edition of 65.

"Sigmund Abeles has filled Dozens of books with portraits of politicians, entertainers, and public figures, all of whom the artist races to draw before their talk-show segments end."
Austin Williams, Drawing Magazine, Summer 2013
"As a lifelong figurative artist, my main aim is to capture memorable moments of an individual’s life, even just a special glance, accepting how fleeting a lifetime is."
Sigmund Abeles

Artist draws his premature son to health in a Boston hospital.
“This unusual, touching, and sometimes frightening collection of drawings depicts the fight for life of Max.
Max was a small, 13-week premature infant.
These drawings represent Max’s experience as seen through the ‘mind’s eye’ of his anguished father.”
Alan M. Fujii, M. D.
Max's Dr.